Computers Gadgets

Default IP addresses and credentials

Just about every network device nowadays is supposed to be configured via the network, usually through a web page. That is all fine but there is always the question of which IP address to use. And once you can contact the device they all seem to have different login credentials. Some manufacturers have done their homework and actually printed the default settings on the device itself but most of the time it is an endless search through quick start guides, user manuals or Internet forums.

I know there are lists of this kind of information but they never seem to have the devices I use, at least not all at the same place. This page is an attempt to fill this void for myself by listing the devices I actually use myself. I will be returning to this list from time to time to update it with new (or old) devices.

Device IP address User Password
Axis 209FD-R DHCP / root (set when accessing first time)
D-Link DWL-2100AP DHCP / admin (blank)
Lacie Ethernet Disk DHCP Administrator admin
Linksys WRT54GL * (blank) admin
Netgear DG834G v2 * admin password
Netgear WGPS606 DHCP / admin password
Voyage Linux 0.5.0 DHCP root voyage

* The device has an internal DHCP server. Connect on the LAN side to acquire an IP address. The default gateway provided through DHCP is the IP address of the device.
