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Convert Rails 3 project to use jQuery

By default Rails 3 comes with Prototype. The project Rails-3-jQuery on Github simplifies the process of switching out the Prototype support to jQuery. It includes jRails that provides drop-in replacements for Prototype and Scriptaculous helper methods to make it a seamless transition.

Rails 3 supports unobtrusive javascript to decouple the content from the logic in a way similar to how CSS has helped web designers to decouple the content from the layout.

By default Rails 3 comes with Prototype. But more and more people are switching to jQuery. The project Rails-3-jQuery on Github simplifies the process of switching out the Prototype support to jQuery. It includes jRails that provides drop-in replacements for Prototype and Scriptaculous helper methods to make it a seamless transition.

To update a project, just issue the following command in the project root

rake rails:template 

For more information on the project, check the project page on Github.
