For every version of Ubuntu there is a set of wallpaper images. Each version has its own set and doesn’t include the old ones. However, it is very simple to install all previous versions by running:
apt-cache search ubuntu-wallpapers- | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs apt-get -y install
As of today (January 2015) this will install the wallpapers from:
- Karmic (9.10)
- Lucid (10.04)
- Maverick (10.10 LTS)
- Natty (11.04)
- Oneiric (11.10)
- Precise (12.04 LTS)
- Quantal (12.10)
- Raring (13.04)
- Saucy (13.10)
- Trusty (14.04 LTS)
If you want to use them for other purposes you will find the images in /usr/share/backgrounds/. I use them as wallpaper in OS X. In return I may just use the Yosemite wallpapers in Ubuntu to really confuse people.